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Tianjin Eco City
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Tianjin Eco-city
Lieu d’accueil
Situé à 150 km de Beijing, à 40 km du centre-ville de Tianjin, à 10 km de Tianjin-Technological Development Area (TEDA), l’Eco Cité de Tianjin devrait apporter une alternative à l’échec de la « ville verte » de Dongtan, à Shanghaï dont le projet a été abandonné à ce jour.
Fruit d’un accord de coopération entre l’Etat de Singapour et la ville de Tianjin, l’Eco Cité s’annonce comme un projet respectueux de l’environnement, économe en ressources énergétiques et s’inscrivant dans une perspective de développement durable.
La gestion de l’Eco Cité de Tianjin est assurée par la Sino-Singapour Tianjin Eco-City Investment and Development Co Ltd (SSTEC).
Dans la foulée de l’accord signé le 18 Novembre 2007, le projet a été lancé rapidement avec déjà la construction d’un bâtiment construit en l’espace de seulement six mois et l’accueil d’un premier projet industriel.
Situé sur des terres non arables, l’Eco Cité de Tianjin devrait accueillir à échéance de 10 à 15 ans, 350.000 habitants.
Gestion de l’eau
Situé dans une région à faible pluviométrie, à échéance de 2020, l’approvisionnement en eau de l’Eco Cité devrait provenir de sources non traditionnelles telles que l’eau dessalée.
Gestion des batiments
En partie subventionnés, les bâtiments écologiques de l’Eco Cité devront répondre aux normes de construction écologiques en vigueur, en l’espèce le HQE Chinois. Ainsi, l’eau des robinets devra être potable.
Gestion intégrée des déchets
La gestion intégrée des déchets dans l’Eco Cité intègre trois aspects : la réduction, la réutilisation et le recyclage des déchets.
Gestion des transports
L’amélioration des réseaux de transports (ferroviaire, tramways et bus) ambitionne la réduction des émissions de carbone. Les émissions de carbone par unité de PIB dans l’Eco Cité de Tianjin ne devront pas dépasser 150 tonnes-C.
Qualité de l’air
La Qualité de l’air de l’Eco Cité devra répondre aux normes de la China’s National Ambient Air Quality Standard Grade et ce, pendant une durée au moins 310 jours l’année.
Gestion de l’énergie
Les énergies dites renouvelables (l’énergie géothermique, hydroélectrique et solaire) devront représenter au moins 15% de l’énergie utilisée dans l’Eco Cité en 2020.
Le développement des start-up
L’Eco Cité accueillera des start-up zone œuvrant dans les domaines ci dessus détaillées.
Premier exemple, la Sino-Singapour Tianjin Eco-City Investment and Development Co Ltd (SSTEC) a signé un protocole d’entente (MOU) avec la société Sembawang Engineers & Constructors Singapour Pte Ltd pour la faisabilité d’une usine de production de silicium. D’un montant évalué à 1 milliard $ US solaire, l’usine devrait occuper un site de 15 ha.
Tianjin Eco-city
The Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city is the result of a collaborative agreement between the Governments of China and Singapore to jointly develop a socially harmonious, environmentally friendly and resource-conserving city in China. Designed to be practical, replicable and scaleable, the Tianjin Eco-city will demonstrate the determination of both countries in tackling environmental protection, resource and energy conservation, and sustainable development, and serve as a model for sustainable development for other cities in China.
The Eco-city site is located 40 km from the Tianjin city centre and 150 km from Beijing. The site is 10 km from the core district of the Tianjin Binhai New Area (TBNA), with the southern tip of the site only a 5 to 10 minute drive from the TEDA, the current driving force behind Tianjin’s economic growth.
Key Features
The Tianjin Eco-city will be ecologically friendly, and existing wetlands and biodiversity will be preserved. Green spaces will be interspersed throughout the city. Located in an area of low rainfall, the Eco-city will draw a significant part of its water supply from non-traditional sources such as desalinated water.
Integrated waste management will be implemented in the Eco-city, with particular emphasis on the reduction, reuse and recycling of waste. A light-rail transit system, supplemented by a secondary network of trams and buses, will be the main mode of transportation in the Eco-city. This will help to reduce its carbon emissions.
Social harmony will be a key feature of the Eco-city. An important instrument will be subsidised public housing in the Eco-city, which will help to meet the housing needs of the lower and lower-middle income strata of society, and enable people of different income and social strata to live near to, and interact with, one another. The Eco-city will be barrier-free to cater to the needs of the elderly and the mobility-impaired. Public social and recreational facilities will be located within easy access of homes to meet residents’ needs and provide opportunities for residents to interact.
The development of the Eco-city will respect local heritage. The profile of the Ji Canal, which is 1,000 years old, will be retained. Two existing villages within the Eco-city site will also be conserved through adaptive reuse or partial rebuilding.[3]
Master Plan
The Master Plan of Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city intention is for development to take place around a central core of conserved ecological wetlands and rehabilitated water bodies. The main centre of the Eco-city will be located on the southern bank of a historical thousand-year old river course, which has been planned for a variety of uses, including commercial, cultural and recreational uses.
A comprehensive green transport network, i.e. non-motorised and public transport, will be developed in the Eco-city. A light rail transit system will serve as the main mode of transport within the Eco-city.
Commercial sub-centres will be located in each of the suburban areas to provide employment opportunities for the residents and reduce their need for commuting. There will also be dedicated service industry parks, university and hospital sites located within the Eco-city, which will contribute to the long-term economic vibrancy of the Eco-city in a sustainable manner
Energy Efficiency and Use of Clean, Renewable Energy
The use of clean fuel and renewable energy such as solar energy and geothermal energy will be explored. For a start, the Eco-city will draw on waste heat from a major nearby power plant to provide district heating.
Green Buildings
All buildings in the Eco-city will conform to green building standards to ensure efficient energy usage. The use of clean and renewable energy, such as wind and solar energy, will be promoted in the Eco-city. An energy-conservation and environment-friendly mindset will also be cultivated in its residents.
Green Transportation
An efficient and easily accessible public transport system will be available, which will reduce the level of carbon emission within the Eco-city. Green trips, which include public transportation, cycling and walking, will also be promoted in the Eco-city. The target is for at least 90 per cent of the trips within the Eco-city to be via walking, cycling or use of public transport.
Ecologically Friendly
The development of the Eco-city will proceed in harmony with the natural environment. Existing wetlands and biodiversity will be preserved. Extensive greenery will be a distinctive feature of the Eco-city, with lush green spaces and recreational spaces sensitively interspersed throughout the city.
Water Management
Water recycling and more efficient use of water resources will be one of the key features in the Eco-city. The Eco-city is located in an area of low rainfall. Water from rivers flowing through the region will not be able to meet the needs of the Eco-city. To overcome this constraint and to reduce its reliance on external water sources, the Eco-City will draw a significant part of its water supply from non-traditional sources such as desalinated water and recycled domestic and industrial wastewater.
To provide a quality living environment for residents, tap water will be potable and in line with PRC and international standards.
Waste Management
Integrated waste management will be implemented in the Eco-city, with particular emphasis on the « 3Rs » of waste management – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The conservation of resources and reduction of waste generation will be encouraged through public education programmes. Where possible, non-organic waste will be recycled and reused, while organic waste will be used as biomass for energy
.Economic Vibrancy
The Eco-city aims to achieve economic vibrancy, by specialising in tertiary and service industries, being a educational and R&D centre for environment-related technologies, as well as being a destination for eco-themed recreational tours. It will also provide good employment opportunities for its residents, ensuring that the Eco-city remains economically viable.
Social Harmony
The Eco-city will place emphasis on the development and strengthening of social harmony among the residents. There will be subsidized public housing, so that people of different income and social strata can live near to and interact with one another. Communal amenities and facilities will be widely accessible. The Eco-City will also be barrier-free to cater to the needs of the elderly and the mobility-impaired.
Heritage Conservation
The development of the Eco-city will respect local heritage. The profile of the Ji Canal, a canal with 1,000 years of history, will be retained. Two existing villages within the Eco-city site, Qingtuozi and Wuqi, will be conserved through adaptive reuse or partial rebuilding.