The end of the American university ?
Posté par ITgium le 11 mars 2015
A jùn mǎ tale 俊 马 故事 (François de la Chevalerie)
Why so many Chinese families send their children to western universities mostly American ones paying yearly exorbitant fee and housing costs ?
Why at the same time American families are increasingly reluctant to send their kids to the same universities ?
Yesterday, I have had an interesting discussion with a long time friend who is an American academic.
Some suggest – he stated – that the mass inflow of Chinese students weaken and compromise the diversity of recruitment and so from that fact, the quality of the teaching.
But the main reason lies probably elsewhere.
The financial debt of the American students has reached alarming proportions : 1300 billions $, an increase of 57 % since 2010 that’s 40 % of the US consumer credit !!!
In view of the increasingly number of American students who refuse to pay « unsubstantiated » yearly fees, some American universities recruit without counting Chinese students in order not be declared into bankruptcy.
This situation gives rise to the presumption that American universities are overvalued.
Unfortunately, Chinese parents send their kids there out of ignorance thinking everything is as Hollywood depicts them as the best colleges, but reality is other.
From my point of view, the best way to learn how the world works and what it will be like in the decades to come is firstable and unpretentiously to read books.
So let’s start, kids !
Aristotle, Plato, Kant, Hegel, Descartes, Byron, Xun Zi, Yuan Hongdao, Marx, Russel, William James, Heidegger, Engels, Pascal, Darwin, Newton, Eisntein, Rousseau, Dante, Tagore, Vivekananda, Augustine of Hippo, Montaigne and Nietzsche are available anywhere, at anytime and free of charge.
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